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Have questions or need assistance? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out the form below or use one of the other methods listed to reach out to us. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.


How long does the design process take?

After payment and sending the form, you will receive the first version of your album within 5 working days + 5 working days for each series of edits. If we don't meet the deadline, we will give you a 50% discount on the design.

How many revisions are allowed during the design process?

Initial concept + 2 sets of edits, each additional set + $50. All edits are submitted in one request and processed within 5 business days.

How does the approval and revision process work?

You will receive a PDF file with numbered pages and photos. (The final file will not have page numbers and photos)

You will be able to:

- move, add, or delete a spread

- enlarge, reduce, or delete a photo

- move a photo to another spread

- create a new spread from selected photos.

The file can be opened on both a computer and a smartphone.

How do I order a book from the design I received?

The design is added to your personal account. When you order a new book, you can choose a design from the gallery. You do not need to order all the spreads. For example, you can create a copy of the book in a smaller format with fewer spreads for parents.

Do I need to order the book right after I design it?

You will be able to order the book at any time by downloading the original files for printing.

We will also prepare a special offer for you, which will be relevant during the year.
