
User agreement

When you are registered at malevichpro.com, I agree to store and process my personal data, namely, your surname, name, parent, place of residence, Contact phones, e-mail addresses from FBP Ganushin Alexei Mikhailovich according to the following goal: Processing information about manufacturing, delivery and payment of orders, providing technical support, status reports, announcements of service changes and professional events.

FBP Ganushin Alexei Mikhailovich is obliged to process personal data in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on processing personal data.

I agree that my personal data may be transferred to third parties for the purpose of processing information about the manufacture, delivery and payment of orders, providing technical support, reporting on the status of orders, announcements of service changes and professional events.

I agree that failure to consent to the processing of personal data or its withdrawal may result in the refusal of the FBP Ganushin Alexei Mikhailovich to provide appropriate services if these services cannot be provided without the need to process the client's personal data.

The rights of the client in relation to his personal data are specified in Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine on Protection of Personal Data. If the customer intends to withdraw his consent to the processing of his personal data from FBP Ganushin Alexei Mikhailovich, he will make such a response by sending an email to FBP Ganushin a friendly form to alexeyganushin@gmail.com.

The goods made on an individual order are not subject to exchange and return in the absence of mechanical damages (the exception is factory failure). Print quality is estimated according to ISO3664 standard. Returns are governed by the on Approval of Custom Goods Rules and on Consumer Protection.
