
Privacy policy

Site Administrationhttps://sensation-album.comIt is our responsibility to keep your privacy online. We pay great value of the data you provide. Our privacy policy is based on Requirements of the European Union's General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR). We collect personal data for the purposes of: Improving our service, making contacts with visitors of this site, processing of user data for online trade service, providing information requested by the user, as well as for such actions.

Collection and use of Personal Data

We only collect and use your personal information if you do voluntary agreement. When you agree to this, you allow us to collect and use such details: name and surname, e-mail, phone number. Collection and processing of your The data are carried out in accordance with the laws in force in the European Union And in Ukraine.

Data storage, change and delete

A user who has provided their personal information to the sitehttps://sensation-album.comhas the right to modify, delete, or so the same for the feedback of their consent with their use. Your personal information will be be stored for the time required to use the data for the primary site activity, when the use of your data is completed site administration deletes them. You can contact to access your personal information site administration at the following address: info@adminphotobook.com. We can transfer your personal data to third parties only on your voluntary consent, if they were transferred, the change of data in other organizations connected with us, we cannot do it.

Use technical data when visiting the site

When you visithttps://sensation-album.comthe database stores entries about your IP address, time of attendance, browser settings, operating system settings, and other technical information required for correct display of site content. According to these data, it is impossible for us to identify the person of the visitor.

Providing information to children

If you are a father or guardian, and you know your children have given us their own Personal data without your consent, please contact us at: info@adminphotobook.com. On our the service is not allowed to leave the personal data of minors without the consent of parents or options.

Use of personal data by other services

This site uses third-party Internet services that are performed by an independent Web site From us gathering of information: Google Analytics. The data collected by them may be provided to other services within these services organizations, they can use the data to personalize their advertising own advertising network. You can read the user-defined agreements of these organizations on their websites. In the same place you can refuse collection of personal Data, for example Google Analytics blocker is here. We do not transfer personal information to other organizations and services not specified in this policy confidentiality. The exception is only the transfer of information under legal requirements authorities authorized to carry out these actions.

Links to other Sites

Our sitehttps://sensation-album.commay contain links to other sites that fail to do us. We are not responsible for their contents. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of everyone the site you visit, if there is one.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Our sitehttps://sensation-album.commay update our privacy policy from time to time. We report any changes by placing a new privacy policy on this page. We track Changes in the legislation concerning personal data in the European Union and in the European Union Ukraine. If you leave personal information with us, we will inform you about the change in privacy policy. If your personal information was entered incorrectly, we will we will not be able to contact you.

Feedback, final positions

Contact site administrationhttps://sensation-album.comfor privacy-related issues Address: 2, Naberezhnaya St., 07300, Vyshgorod, Ukraine. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use the services of thehttps://sensation-album.comsite, in which case you must retain from visiting our site.
